ViRobot Desktop 5.5 integrated with NAC program of Cisco
HAURI Inc. announced that ViRobot Desktop 5.5 integrated with NAC (Network Admission Control) program which shares Cisco technology with third party participants to allow them to integrate their solutions to the NAC architecture.
Program participants design and sell security solutions that incorporate features compatible with the NAC infrastructure, supporting and enhancing an overall admission control solution.

ViRobot Desktop 5.5 is one of representative anti-virus product in HAURI and it protects PC users from viruses, worm, malicious codes as well as spam mails, spyware.

If you use ViRobot Desktop 5.5 which is integrated with Cisco NAC solution, it detects all network risks automatically when any virus infected laptops try to connect to your network or any security patch is not updated, and finally it protects and repairs your network.